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Hardik Satasiya

Hardik Satasiya has asked 2 questions and find answers to 11 problems.


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I am an independent full-stack developer,

  • Yahoo : [email protected] (preferred comm channel)
  • Skype : hardik_satasiya
  • Fivver : hardik_satasiya
  • LinkedIn : hardik-satasiya
  • Hackerrank : https://www.hackerrank.com/hardik_satasiya?hr_r=1
  • Facebook : hardik.satasiya

(October CMS) Minor Contribution but it is : https://github.com/octobercms/library/pull/292/

(October CMS) Top OctoberCMS Stack-overflow contributor : https://stackoverflow.com/tags/octobercms/topusers

Working On Mostly React Based Project with new Hooks API, also working alongside Redux | React-Saga | React-Route | Redux-Form | Formik | TypeScript | Jest | SVG | GQL.

DevOps: Defining pipelines, stages and implementing them over the Kubernetes cluster. so each GitHub issue branch and PR get its own Prefixed domain for testing.

Love to solve problems That are scary enough to take your huge chunk of time. (but gives you total satisfaction)

Love to reverse-engineer js code to reveal the logic behind it. (apply to almost all tech but js are client-side so used to put my dirty hands on it ;) whenever I see some good stuff )

Interested and Learning OPEN GL for embedded Systems (ES) to use in WEBGL ;).

Little Love towards October-CMS

Really impressed by October-CMS its extensibility, code structure, and clean code (also some cool logic behind functionality)

Also Oh! boy checkout its JS + PHP integration its totally in CORE JS and high Performant