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Hafiz Shehbaz Ali

Hafiz Shehbaz Ali has asked 1 questions and find answers to 5 problems.


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I have around 6 year of experience in different industry and technology stacks. In my current role as Senior Data Scientist at Surface Mobility Consultant for client(RTA, Dubai), I had delivered use cases on descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, taxi demand, parking occupancy, bus on time performance, first and last mile using PySpark, Cloudera, bash, SQL, git, python, time series algorithm.

In my last company, I worked as a Senior software engineer at Teksify in multi stacks. I architectured, developed and deployed applications in python, Java. I had worked on data scraping, custom entity extraction in NLP, data finder, doctor appointment system, data abstraction and a lot of other applications having integration with communication and task management systems.

I had worked on hybrid mobile application development, SaaS based Ecommerce, Artist Connect, Learning Management System, Appointment System and AWS deployed at RedSignal.