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h3xc0ntr0l has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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19 year old self taught engineer that in central Indiana. I live in the downtown location in my city, above a coffee shop where I spend most of my time consuming ridiculous amounts of espresso and writing code. I survive off of contracts for local business', doing everything from consulting for selection and implementation of new software in a business environment, repairing and maintaining servers and individual machines (most often machines dedicated as a POS, and related peripherals), and most recently (due to me finally being competent in the MEAN stack) full stack web development. I am highly passionate about what I do.

Outside of computer related things, I am passionate about the outdoors, and take multiple camping/hiking trips a year. My favorite place to go is Leelanau County in Northern Michigan (the "thumb" on the eastern version of a state, if you're looking at a map), because I love the endless protected forests.

I also thoroughly enjoy kayaking, and own a Perception sea kayak. Again, my favorite place to go is Michigan, but a close second would be a small island named St. George's Island in central Florida, where I enjoy kayaking with schools of dolphins.

I play the ukelele and accoustic guitar, but enjoy all types of music from metal to folk to EDM.