I fell in love with the web the very first time I saw what I could accomplish with it at the age of 11. I prepared my first web page writing pure HTML on Notepad.
When I was 14, I learned about PHP and started altering the core of back-then-very-popular phpBB forum software and PHP-Nuke CMS. I had poor English skills back then, so I coded my own CMS and used it for my web pages.
When I sorted things out at the age of 15, I made my first open-source contributions to phpBB by implementing several modifications.
At age 16, I created an online role-playing game for Harry Potter's dueling club, which eventually attracted more than 1000+ players. The same year, I came 2nd in the Turkish National Computer Olympics in my region.
I enrolled in the Computer Science degree at one of Turkey's top 3 universities at the age of 18 and immediately started working part-time for different companies. Since then, I make my living by coding, failing, learning, executing, teaching, and by coding again.