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Gurpal singh

Gurpal singh has asked 2 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I'm a senior web-developer with a solid background in different programming areas I am having more than seven years and from last four years I am working on laravel framework. Looking to take a part in a challenging job. I also have good understanding of decentralized technologies such as Ethereum, Bitcoin ,Litecoin etc. I have a lot of experience and practical expertise in implementation of ICO.

I have helped many companies to provide web solutions and I have been using a lot of good programming practices and patterns, that help me write better code.

Skills & Technical Expertise: -

* PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Yii2, Slim Framework , Wordpress and shopify
* RDBMS ,MySql,Postgres, Oracle 
* AngulaJS, JQuery, AJAX, Javascript
* Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5
* REST API / Web API /google map API and Swagger / Postman 
* Comprehensive understanding of REST / JSON / XML Web Services 
* PG integration paypal, stripe, Cross-selling, Authorize.Net, coinpayment
* Excellent understanding of object-oriented programming, software design patterns, algorithms, data structures [Technology Experience] 
* Git, Bitbucket, SVN

API integrations: Pay--pal , Stripe, Authorize.net, Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Hubspot, and other third party api’s