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Gregg Lind

Gregg Lind has asked 40 questions and find answers to 42 problems.


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Gregg Lind is a professional programmer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I work for Mozilla on Test Pilot. Before that: Renesys, U of MN.

Areas of interest: NoSQL, Literate programming, math phobia, gender gap in the hard sciences, information visualization, photography, snooty food, fixed-gear bicycles, Minneapolis, wind-power, dark beer, numbers, math and other kinky topics.

likes: long walks on the beach, financially-secure men, flowers, data visualization, robot conspiracies, bicycles built for two.

dislikes: eggplants, 2nd ring suburbs.

Originally from Massachusetts, he stayed in the midwest after earning an undergrad degree in anthropology and biology from Grinnell. After a few years of shovelbumming, he found himself in Milwaukee, with weak prospects. After conning his way into a statistics job, and realizing that the people asking him for advice knew even less than he did about numbers, he decided to do the normal thing, and actually return to school, earning his M.S. from the U of Minnesota's School of Public Health's Division of Biostatistics in 2005.

From there, it's been up, up, up, including a stint at the U of M Epidemiology Department where he worked on statistical genetics and statistical simulation projects.