I’m originally from New Zealand, but now living in the beautiful hills near Melbourne, Australia. I have been developing software for almost twenty years.
Most of my career has been with a leading vendor of software to the smash repair industry. Our applications run the panel shops in which they are used; they manage the financial accounts (full accounting), workshop and capacity planing, time recording, loan car management, as well as the actual detail of what needs to repaired on the car and integrating with various insurance assessing systems. The software is mainly used in Australia, with a number of installations in New Zealand, India and Thailand.
Over the years, I’ve been the front line support and developer of the our applications, a mentor to junior programmers and now the Team Leader for our team of 4 developers. I’ve ported our software from it’s DataFlex origins to Delphi and now a .NET (WPF), CQRS & Event Sourced architecture. I’ve built a Continuous Integration build server using FinalBuilder, used automated tests with TestComplete.
I have solid skills with C#, WPF, Delphi, Sql Server, Interbase / Firebird and Pervasive. I have written numerous specifications, implemented and refactored my way through who knows how many lines of code.
Lately I have bee diving into the wonderful world of MonoTouch and Mono for Android. My current explorations can be found on https://github.com/sgmunn.
I also hold a Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences degree from the University of Waikato.
I enjoy playing badminton each week with a group of highly skilled players where the competition is fierce and , no wait, that’s not entirely true.
I can be contacted by emailing greg at sgmunn dot com; @sgmunn on twitter.