Ancient programmer(I first used C when This12CharName and This12CharNa2 were identical). I really have forgotten more than most programmers know. That is fortunate, as we were fumbling toward useability, and many of our techniques/libraries/tools were harmful. Still trying to find and build the best.
We used to say out of 10 techniques (libraries, tools, or methodologies), , 1 might be great, 2 useable til something better came along, 3 that were educational or at least entertaining and 4 which were bad.
All that has changed is that the 10 is now 100, there are still only 1 great , 2 useable , 3 worth reading but at least there are at least 1,000 times more techniques available, 100 times the good ones.
Many of the authors on these pages contribute to the list of the great.