A qualified Computer Systems Engineer speaking French and English fluently with 4 years of software development experience. Area of expertise including software project management using the agile approach, project development (web application & mobile application), database design and analysis. Strong in design and integration problem-solving skills.
Deep understanding of the MVC (Model-View-Controller) model, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and version control systems such GIT, GitHub, Bit-bucket and DevOps application using software such as Travis CI and Bit-bucket pipelines. Good understanding of RESTful API application.
Deep Knowledge on how web browsers work & troubleshooting web applications.
Software skills include:
Languages: React JS, PHP, Node JS, JavaScript, Laravel (Symphony Framework), JavaScript, Flutter framework, Java, HTML & CSS, Databases: MySQL, Maria DB, Postgres, MS Access DB Software & tools: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), PHPStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, MySQL Workbench, StarUML, phpMyAdmin, SourceTree