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Gabor Szanto

Gabor Szanto has asked 0 questions and find answers to 6 problems.


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Gábor is a developer and entrepreneur who is well known in his native Hungary. He is an expert in computational signal processing for low-power processors on mobile devices. As the CTO of Superpowered, he developed a high performance and extremely efficient audio SDK that is cross platform across iOS, OSX, tvOS, Linux, Android and Windows. His iOS app, DJ Player, has more than 3m downloads.

His expertise is in designing ‘standalone’ DSP libraries that are optimized across iOS and the fragmented Android ecosystem. His work isn't just optimized C++ and Assembly, but the development of novel algorithms to work efficiently across hardware that weren't designed for real-time audio. An example of his approach is found in the Superpowered Time Stretching unit, which enables high quality, high FFT size, transient-aware frequency-domain time stretching and pitch shifting on single core ARM devices with record-low CPU usage.

Gábor holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Dennis Gabor College (Budapest, Hungary). For his thesis, he created the first remote control application for Windows with a web user interface (before VNC), including a state-of-the-art web server written in pure C++ with BSD sockets, and a high-performance MNG video encoder implemented in Assembly.