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avatar of furkan3ayraktar


furkan3ayraktar has asked 0 questions and find answers to 9 problems.


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I am a passionate team leading engineer (full-stack) with more than 7 years of experience designing and implementing technically sophisticated backend systems, integrations, frontend web applications and mobile apps (iOS).

I designed and built complex cloud systems in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Firebase. I’m experienced in team leading activities including but not limited to Kanban, retrospectives, supervision, recruitment and mentorship.

I always had a dream of creating my own Startup and challenging my programming skills to its extent. When my co-founders and I started Scrintal, we had a good idea, a proven potential and the need to update the research industry.

I've always seen the research industry as a very out-dated industry, and while working with people in the field to develop Scrintal 1.0 I realised more and more that they need a lot of improvements to survive in the 21st century.

That's why my current mission is to push Scrintal forward to revolutionise the research industry and provide the tools that will make researchers many more times productive.

Scrintal 2.0 is going to be one of its kind when it comes to extending your brain with today's super powerful computers. We are building a platform that will be an extension of your associative brain that you won’t even realize it’s there.

Specialties: Clojure, Java, Python, NodeJS, Datomic, SQL, Clojurescript, Javascript and React.