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Fred Sobotka

Fred Sobotka has asked 0 questions and find answers to 19 problems.


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Fred Sobotka is the principal consultant and founder of FRS Consulting, a firm that's been delivering data management expertise to clients of all sizes since 2005. During his 25+ years in IT, Fred has worked as an application software developer, technical consultant, data modeler, and database administrator. Fred is a member of the IBM Gold Consultant program, an exclusive community of fewer than 75 consultants worldwide who have been recognized by IBM as world-class experts and key influencers in the information management industry. IBM also invited Fred into their inaugural community of IBM Data Champions, an honor bestowed on power users who regularly share their technical knowledge of IBM products in journals, blogs, conferences, and sites such as stackoverflow.

FRS Consulting offers a broad variety of IT and database consulting services, from the logical level down to the bare metal. Recent client engagements have involved DB2 LUW tuning and design, application and database migrations from Oracle to DB2, active-active OLTP clustering with DB2 pureScale, and XML enablement with DB2 pureXML. We also deliver custom monitoring extensions for just about anything that has a power cord and a network port.