08/2004 - 2/2021:
Work as a PHP TYPO3 developer and LINUX administrator in many overlapping projects. I have been adding new features, fixing bugs, answering to customer questions and making it compliant under new versions of TYPO3 .
The Shop System tt_products offers many features and extensions. PDF bill, taxes, price and voucher code calculations, display of products and media, payment via gateways, TYPO3 8.7 and File Abstraction Layer.
The forum extension tt_boards is a simple threaded message board. The agency extension gives users the possibility to register a new account on a website.
Programming of bug fixes and new features into the TYPO3 Core. The code is available as Open Source under my Github account.
12/2004 - 01/2005:
WORD automatization under Java
08/2003 - 04/2004:
development of a DNS server, Mail server and mail client under Windows 2000
MS Visual C++ 5.0, MFC, Driver Development Kit, Typo3, JavaScript
11/2001 - 05/2002:
Solutions For Media in Cologne, MS Visual C++ 6.0 development for the selling of advertisements in media products.
03/2001 - 09/2001:
Windhoff Software Services GmbH in Munich. C++, Java and ORACLE development
10/2000 - 02/2001:
BEKO Vienna, Javascript, HTML and ORACLE development
05/2000 - 09/2000:
BEKO Vienna, Administration of SUN and ORACLE
04/1999 - 12/1999:
BEKO Munich, enterprise resource planning, Informix, SCO Unix, Windows
10/1998 - 03/1999:
BEKO Cologne, programming of Windows NT
11/1995 - 06/1998:
Siemens Vienna, C programming, Informix, SUN Solaris
02/1995 - 09/1995:
Management Consulting GmbH Vienna, C programming under Windows
12/1992 - 01/1995:
Siemens Vienna, C programming, Informix, UNIX Apollo
10/1986 - 10/1992:
Study of Computer Science and Electronics at Technische Universität in Graz
Turbo Pascal and C programming, UNIX and MUPID