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Francisco Rodríguez Fortuño

Francisco Rodríguez Fortuño has asked 0 questions and find answers to 15 problems.


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I am a Senior Lecturer at King's College London.

I carry out research on the topics of plasmonic devices, nano-optics, optical forces, optical nanoantennas, metamaterials and novel electromagnetic phenomena.

I studied Telecommunications Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, where I became fascinated by electromagnetic waves, waveguides, antennas, radiation, and optics. This led eventually led me towards my career in Nanophotonics. My PhD thesis was on metamaterials and plasmonics, and can be read here.

My list of publications can be found on Google Scholar.

I was also the author of a series of hand-written notes covering all my modules in the degree and master's course, called Apuntes de Pak, which became known in my university and other telecommunication schools nationally. Have a look if you want to learn about Telecommunications Engineering and also know Spanish!

Francisco Rodríguez Fortuño questions