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Francesc Lordan

Francesc Lordan has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Francesc Lordan conducted his B.SC. and M.Sc. studies in the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya receiving the corresponding degrees in 2010 and 2013 respectively. In 2018, he obtained the Ph.D. in Computer Architecture, also from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, after defending his Ph.D. thesis: "Programming Models for Mobile Environments".

Since 2010, Francesc is part of the Workflows and Distributed Computing group of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. His efforts have been focused on the COMPSs programming model: a task-based model for developing parallel applications running on large distributed infrastructures such as clusters, supercomputers, grids and clouds. During this period Francesc has been directly involved in the European projects mF2C, ASCETIC and OPTIMIS; and he provided support to other collaborative projects such as Venus-C, EU-Brasil OpenBio, Transplant and the Human Brain Project.

His research focuses on programming models that aim to ease the development of parallel applications by hiding the technical concerns of heterogeneous and distributed infrastructures.