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Florian SANTI

Florian SANTI has asked 1 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I'm a software architect and system engineer working as computer consultant since 15 years in the development and the system business. I've an extensive knowledge and a long experience in the multi-tiers and distributed applications in the industry and the financial area.

I'm currently responsible for the whole technology at Pulse Solution SA, specialized in customer feedback management solution for hotels, restaurants and retail stores. My roles are development of mobiles applications on Android/iOS/Windows devices and system administration.

I've been responsible of the development department at FirstQuote in Geneva where my role was to manage projects and people. I also worked overseas and I've developed applications for international projects in Asia especially between Japan and Europe. I was in charge of performance on the SQL Servers used for the Business Intelligence at Arkadin. I developed a load balancing solution with two front-end SQL servers replicated from the source with the SQL Server log-shipping technology.