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fezfox has asked 2 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I've been coding since I started in 1979 on an Exidy Sorcerer in a mix of Basic and Z80. I then moved onto 6502 on an the Atari. I've been down many paths since, but currently focus on web dev (PHP - symfony2, laravel, codeigniter; mySQL; javascript, jquery, CSS, bootstrap, twig) and iPhone dev (Objective C). I don't claim to know everything, but I am pretty smart and a quick learner when it comes to code. Jack of All Trades but Master of None.

I also subscribe to the view that the human brain is a Universal Turing Machine. It stores all data associatively, and programs and data are treated identically. Getting data out and in is problematic, since associative data is stored when there is neuron dendrite Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity. This means that any copying of the data and simulation on other hardware is still a long way away. But it will happen.

As we are all computers, this means none of us have free will. While this is incomprehensible to the majority of humans, this is a pretty much universal view in the scientific fields of study on human consciousness and neurophysiology.