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Faisal Mohammad

Faisal Mohammad has asked 3 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Senior Software Engineer specializing in JAVA, Kotlin, Dart , Relational and non-Relational Databases.I want to learn C++, Test Automation, DevOps and Cloud Platforms (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud).Currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Divine it Limited building architecture of Framework.

In previous projects I've been responsible for several complex architectures for mission critical systems for public money transactions and banking systems. I've also been in the Tech Industry for multiple projects in the past 9 years.Love to follow genius brains (he/she). It can be a leader or boss that time I don’t bother about age. Not just Helping Junior and Mid-Level team members but also trying to explain to them the perception , prediction, behind the story and exceptional scenarios to build better software.

I have an undergraduate BSc in EEE from Eastern University and Msc in CSE (incomplete) from United International University. I love to code.