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Fábio BC Souza

Fábio BC Souza has asked 0 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I am a Full-Stack Developer, graduated in Systems Analysis and Development. I started learning programming in 2015 in the university and through some freelance jobs as a Front-End Developer. After that, I decided to learn Back-End, and at the beginning of 2017, I attended the Le Wagon Ruby on Rails immersive BootCamp program. Then, I worked with Ruby on Rails at MaisUmaApp in São Paulo, on a couple of freelancer jobs as well and so on.

I also like doing business as an entrepreneur, so I founded a Computer Science School for kids called MooDev, having created the whole Business Model and Web System Platform. The school is currently run by my family, which allows me to focus on my personal goals.

I also worked at Globo TV, which is the most popular television channel in Brazil. I worked with a wide range of technologies, such as Node.Js, ReactJs, React Native and C# to build interactive applications for television programs, including the most famous reality show known as Big Brother which makes me feel so proud.

I come from a different background, and over the years I worked in international projects as a Shipyard Representative for a Steel and Vessels) Company, where I was assigned to perform audits on their behalf in very important projects based in China (Shanghai, Nantong, Qingdao, Liuheng), Turkey (Izmir) and England (Manchester, Chesterfield). This experience allowed me to meet great friends, to grow as a person and to go through a multi-cultural experience.

I love coffee, dogs, people and coding.