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Eric has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I started building software over 10 years ago in high school. After writing my first hello world application in Java, I was hooked. After high school, I went for my Bachelors in Computer Science at Capital University. Outside of my class work, I started developing iOS apps, a practice I continue to this day. iPhone's were still new and I loved the idea of building software that could be reached by millions of people. The first app I ever built was an iPad document reader app. I kept this app on the store while I was in college to help me learn new techniques and tools such as Git.

Once I finished building my first app I knew I wanted to work with iOS professionally. However, building mobile apps is just one part of a larger equation. Once I started my professional career at ICC I started to learn different tech stacks. I have worked on numerous projects including web apps utilizing vanilla Javascript, React, and Angular. I've built REST services in Node deployed to Docker containers on Kubernetes.

In 2016, I got the chance to write my own book on iOS development in Swift, published by Apress. Swift was new at the time and I wanted to write a book for the release of Swift 3 and all of the new features. I had to delve into topics I never would have thought about in a professional setting. I also had to learn how to write and write a lot! The entire experience helped shape the software engineer I am today.

Outside of work, I continue to build iOS apps to hone my skills. I build my app infrastructure on the cloud with AWS, website in React, and of course, my iOS app in pure Swift and SwiftUI.

Eric questions