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avatar of Elliander


Elliander has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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When I ask questions I try to keep it to the point. I use the minimum required code to get the point across. Unfortunately, that isn't good enough for most people. I am fed up with having to bend over backwards for every stupid little thing.

If I say "Here are two lines of code that work. How can I do this better?" I don't want to have to paste an entire program because a troll insists that there is a memory hole in the non existent program and I am NOT going to do that anymore.

If I say "Here's the area of code where I am having a problem" I am tired of so many people saying "It must be somewhere else" or "Show me a complete program" and I am even more so tired of questions being flagged as off topic whenever I actually paste a complete program. If you don't know the answer to my question, please, PLEASE don't act like a know-it-all. Accept that you don't know and move on! I'm not going to waste my time satisfying people like that anymore so just stop!

and if the down votes from such people get me banned? Fine, stackexchange is clearly the kind of website where you either earn up votes by trolling or delete then recreate an account with a new IP address every so often. It sucks that stackexchange is designed to reward idiots and trolls, but whatever.