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eitan barazani

eitan barazani has asked 2 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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Sr. .Software Engineer with over 20 years of experience, highlights include:

• Mobile Software Developer, published the succesfull: HealthOrganizer (Win8 / WP7.1), myNewborn (Win8), ourBaby (Win8), myCamera (Win8 / WP8), myHealth (WP8) & myTip (WP8), myEatingOut(WP8), myMoney(WP8.1), myBills(WP8.1) myLocation (WP8) GPS Tools (WP8) and Car Lease (WP8.1) applications for the Windows 8 and Windows Phone application stores.

For full links to the Microsoft stores, please go to: http://mobile.ytd.com/

• Developed an interface to Bluetooth LE devices (Jawbone Bands) using Microsoft UWP APIs.

• Part of a team porting iOS and Android Secure Email Client to Windows Phone 8. This application is designed for enterprises users in mind. Using of the Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync protocol.

• Won Microsoft’s Windows 8 Hackathon for the Health Organizer application, and won third place for the myTip application in the Microsoft’s APPortunity for the month of April

• Used UWP / WinRT / .NET 4.5 to develop Windows 8/8.1/10 applications and Window Phone 7/7.5/8/8.1/10.

• Used extensive Data Binding, and MVVM design pattern, Live SDK, Linq, and Background Tasks.

• Used REST API to communicate with data sources servers.

• Used Scrum / JIRA project management and issue tracking tools, and familiar with Agile software development methodologies.

• Used GIT (and SourceTree) for source control.

• Worked with Telerik / Syncfusion / ComponentArt / Microsoft WP Toolkit and Callisto tools to accelerate project progress

• Used .NET 4.0 to develop WP7 applications to track family medical records. Used Silverlight 3 & 4 for Windows Phone, Data Binding, and MVVM design pattern

• Used C# .NET 3.5 to develop a distributed control system for Jetline Engineering. The application was programmed in real time and multithreading

• Highly proficient with Object Oriented Programming (C#, C++) techniques including development of classes, custom controls

• Participated in all stages of software development including conceptual design, requirements gathering, specification development, hardware and software development, testing and integration
