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ehuffman has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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Track record of success in the design and development of real-time, low-latency, finance, digital media, data ingest and analytics, front and back-end network software solutions.

Strong background in software development life cycle, requirements analysis, project scope and budget development, software architecture, software design and development, project and engineering management.

Management and process proficiencies include: business case analysis, project planning, financial budgets, sales/marketing support, Data Modeling and Analytics, RAD and Agile development, regulatory reporting.

Extensive knowledge of: object-oriented analysis and design, microservices, in-memory and distributed analytics, cross-platform, and Internet software development.

Specialized expertise in real-time, low-latency architecture and optimization for financial engineering, computational finance, data ingest and analytics, declarative and functional query languages, complex event processing (CEP), 3D, 3D graphics, digital signal processing, and distributed network software architecture.

Technical proficiencies include: OOP, C, C++, C#, .NET, Objective-C, Cocoa, Java, JavaScript, Python, Lua, Perl, macOS, Windows, BSD Unix and Linux, TIBCO, SQL, Sqlite, FIX, OpenMAMA, NYSE MAMA, NYSE FIX, ARCA FIX, NASDAQ ACT, NYSE TRF, FINRA TRACE, MiFID II, SWIG, Multithreading, SIMD, SSE, Altivec, NVIDIA CUDA.