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Dzenis H.

Dzenis H. has asked 1 questions and find answers to 33 problems.


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I'm highly passionate when it comes to learning all sorts of things. That's what keeps me going in life. These days I'm borderline obsessed with programming. I look at coding as a never-ending challenge and I won't slow down until I feel like I achieved a level of mastery. Then the actual fun begins. Until that moment, it's all about self-discipline, continuous learning, and tremendous patience. I, in one word: "DRIVEN".

My life philosophy goes something like this:

The level of your success can be found in your daily routine.

Technologies that I'm familiar with, practice, and use daily are:

  • HTML5 [w/ the newest standards & approaches].
  • CSS3 [Grid, Flexbox, Animations, Sass].
  • JavaScript [proficient with vanilla ES6 and above].
  • React 16+ [familiar with its entire ecosystem].
  • Redux [my essential tool for state management].
  • React Native [when it comes to mobile development].
  • NodeJS [mostly with Express & SailsJS too].
  • MongoDB [natively or/ and with Mongoose].
  • Bootstrap 4 [great with MaterializeCSS too].
  • GraphQL [as an alternative to RESTful APIs].

Some of the additional tools and libraries that I use regularly:

  • Git [as my version control system].
  • Webpack [for module bundling].
  • Gulp [when a task runner is required].
  • Babel [for backward compatibility of ES6+].
  • Postman [as my API development testing tool].
  • Lodash [often required as my helper library].
  • Jest, Enzyme, Mocha [as my testing utilities].
  • EJS/ HBS [when all focus is on the backend].

NOTE: As the skills and experience of a developer grow, so does the list of tools used. It comes to a point where is hard to list everything, but to me, the ones listed above are the most relevant.

I'm currently most focused on the MERN stack ➖ [ MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS ].