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dwhite5914 has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I'm a student in Computer Science at UMass Dartmouth. I'm a mathematics minor with a unique background in Bioengineering which I took in my Freshmen year of college. I have a good math and science sense which I feel gives me a unique approach to computer science problems. And I have a real passion for the data sciences, especially data mining, visualization, and machine intelligence, but I am interested in pretty much anything computer science.

I'm constantly working on side projects from face recognition to optical character recognition. In my spare time I enjoy contributing to open-source projects such as CryBlend (an exporter for 3-D models written in Python, which I have worked on for about 3 years).

Some of my favorite topics are data mining, machine intelligence, neural networks, clustering, pattern recognition, and computer vision. I also enjoy topics in databases, web programming, and data visualization.

My best languages are Java, Python, and JavaScript, but I have knowledge in many more: C, C++, HTML, CSS, SQL, Git, Maven, and XML. I really enjoy data visualization and have experience in D3.js.

Currently, I am working on a data mining program that performs unsupervised extraction of marine vessel routes and flags vessels that exhibit potentially anomalous movement patterns. The program is written in Java and makes use of clustering and neural networks.

I am looking for any opportunity to improve my experience and sharpen my computer science skills.

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