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dodo has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I am very excited to work as “Data Scientist” and Java Developer using the cutting edge technologies.

I am very eager to work in the Big Data industry and Machine Learning as it is one of the hottest topics. Big Data has many challenges and barriers innovates me. I will be happy if I have opportunity to express in such field.

I am close to finish my Big Data Postgraduate Diploma at Nile University and I had successfully completed Machine Learning course from University of Washington. Currently I am registered in Informatics Master Degree.

My experience as Senior System Analyst, Java Software Designer, and Java Senior Developer for more than 10 years in the Internet Banking industry and E-Commerce will help me to satisfy the customer needs and build strong trust relationship with him/here, which will lead to powerful solution, meets the quality standard and agility.

My greatest strength is that, I am very enthusiastic about the quality. I already enhanced the quality in our product by code review, very restricted Unit Test for every single requirement.

Linkedin profile: https://eg.linkedin.com/in/abeer-mohamed-7a32671b