I'm Front-end Developer full-featured web and mobile apps. My main programming experience is with JavaScript (Node.js), including HTML, SVG, CSS as techs for build UX/UI.
Interested in a challenging technical track career in a software development that works for the good of mankind. Love pure UI and clearly UX.
Main stack: React, Redux (Rematch), Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Express.js, PouchDB
Observation: React Native, TWA (Trusted Web Activity), PWA
Systems Design: RESTful API, GraphQL, Microservices
GitHub: https://github.com/reducio
StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/8845218/dmitry-s
HabrCareer: https://career.habr.com/stavanger
Tools: Figma, Sketch, Zeplin, Framer
Web APIs: DOM, Fetch API, History API, Service Worker API, Web Workers API, HTML Drag and Drop API, Intersection Observer API, Canvas API, WebGL, etc
Frameworks/Libs: React, Redux, Rematch, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, PouchDB, etc
UI components: Ant Design, Material UI, Tailwind UI
Linters/Formatters: ESLint, Prettier
Types: TypeScript
Tools: Webpack, Rollup, Parcel
Package Manager: NPM, Yarn
Frameworks/Libs: Express.js
Protocols/Standarts: RFCs IETF (HTTP, HTTP2), WebSocket, GraphQL
Web Servers: Nginx
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, CouchDB
Message Brokers/Caching: RabbitMQ, Redis (applied use)
Process Managers: PM2
Containers: Docker