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Dima Condur

Dima Condur has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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A passionate software engineer and a skilled people manager with a solid experience in software development in all of its forms – managing and leading software development teams, software architecture, front-end and back-end development, devops, user experience design and support.

Areas of expertise

✓ Managing and leading software development teams. Continuously improving software development process to take the best out of multiple methodologies depending on the project and team.

✓ Application programming for web-enabled and client-server systems using:

  • .NET Framework (C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, WCF, IIS), Java
  • Clojure 1.5+ (lein, boot, cursive, proto-repl, ring, compojure, core.async, spec, test.check, cheshire, criterium, incanter, monger, welle, midje, loom, http-kit, aleph, pedestal, parinfer)
  • Web (JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, jQuery, D3.js, HTML, CSS/LESS, Bootstrap)
  • ORM(EF, Dapper, NHibernate), Dependency Injection (Simple Injector, Unity)
  • Testing (xUnit.net, NUnit, MSTest), DevOps (TeamCity, Octopus Deploy)
  • and others in Microsoft Visual Studio, Intellij IDEA and Atom.

✓ Database design, data modelling, deployment, administration and optimization using MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Redis, Riak, Splunk and MongoDB.