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avatar of Diego Stiehl

Diego Stiehl

Diego Stiehl has asked 3 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Fascinated by web development and always trying to stay up to date on the latest technologies, like Ruby on Rails, modern JavaScript, CSS, Node.js, Express, AdonisJs, Electron, React, webpack, Android, Kotlin, Laravel, and more.

Master's degree in Computer Science. Associate course degree in Software Analysis and Development, with specialization course in Software Engineering. Teacher of web and mobile development at Federal Institute of Parana (IFPR).

Has real love for Ruby on Rails since its beginning and has been having an intense and frequent contact with it since 2015 (teaching and as a developer). Daily working, since 2011, with app development for Android (also teaching and as a developer). Managed, developed and published Android and iOS applications, backed by Ruby on Rails servers. Eight years of previous experience with "ancient" technologies like Delphi, Java and PHP.

Trying, as far as possible, to become more involved with open source software communities. Planning to create a blog about Rails, JavaScript and all kind of stuff related to web development.