Languages are just tools, to create a bridge. No matter with man or computer.
JavaScript es5 / es6+ / Angular / React / Express/Node, Typescript /Bluebird / RxJS /JQuery / Bootstrap 4
Reminder for me:
SpaceX, Telegram, ...Rocket Science, Engineering
Musk, Durov, MPJ, Quentin
Fight club. / fight for freedom, psychologie, animal needs. power
The Matrix. / View angle, shaping reality, choice. power
Star Wars. / Force, spaceships, lasers, technologies, moving the human race forward to new achievements. choice, power
Harry Potter. / Magic, friendship, fight for target, adventures.
Lord of the rings.
/ Adventures, traveling, challenges. power
Lion King. / Adventures, father-son relations, friendship, growing up.
Simon Green: Hawk & Fisher: Literary series Blue Moon Empire. // Adventures, relationships, being the best one, honor, freedom.
Vampires. // Darkness, immortality, magic, legacy, freedom, politics,
Avatar, Aang. // friendship, traveling, adventures.
GodFather. / Family, business, love, life.
traveling, adventures, choice, freedom, power, magic, friendship, fighting for Ideology.