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David Lee Smith

David Lee Smith has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I have been programming computers since 1985 and have a lifetime of knowledge that I hope may help others. My experience can be broken into 4 chapters. First, there was an era of assembly language & embedded systems development creating things ranging from PDA apps to device drivers. Next, a long run with local, state, federal, and military software using C/C++. In this time there were some Quark Express extensions and Adobe Photoshop plugins mixed in to keep things interesting. These products were mainly on Mac and Windows. Embrace your inner Microsoft, ok, I did. add a decade of Microsoft tech applied to supply chain management, forecasting, custom built ERP systems, all in the aviation warehousing and logistics space. These line of business apps covered every aspect of the company and were created entirely for windows using C# and NET. Global scale, top secret, big big apps. fun stuff! And finally, I have settled down. I got myself a Mac. Switched entirely to a MEAN stack and am very passionate today about cloud computing and debugging.