David is a Full-Stack Web Developer that has delved in many web, mobile and even game development technologies. He is an avid experimenter of many things tech and design. He graduated California State University, Fresno with a Bachelor's degree. He also attended Coding Dojo in San Jose, CA and graduated with a Double Black Belt Degree in MEAN Stack and iOS Development and LAMP Stack. Black Belts are The highest level of achievement attained by the top 3-5%. David has also studied intensively over 1,000 hours in programming languages and full-stack development.
David has also gone into developing in Java/Android platforms, .NET platforms and even in Unity3D Game development platforms. You can check out more of his portfolio work on his website.
Right now, David is currently learning and WordPress development on plugins, themes, and even on WooCommerce development solutions. He is currently a contributing member of the WordPress community. David is also a contributor of the Hniakeng Puachue Hmong script and currently working to get the script submitted into the Unicode Technical Committee and adopted into all software technologies by 2018.
Android Developer Page : https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8353731338490850764
iOS Developer Page : https://itunes.apple.com/us/developer/david-lee/id1233445655
WordPress Community Page : https://profiles.wordpress.org/itxawjteeb/
TEEBTECH : http://teebtech.com
eCommerce Websites Design : https://ecommercewebsitesdesign.com
Hmong Words : https://hmongwords.com