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David Culbreth

David Culbreth has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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B.S. Computer Engineering & B.A. Mathematics from St. Mary's University in San Antonio

Working with C/C++, Python and Anaconda, PHP, Java and Javascript, I have implemented an assortment of odds and ends from HTTP Restful services on JBoss/JEE or Python/Flask to Drone Flight Control systems in C/C++ to full-fledged UI project with React/Redux in Node.

I personally enjoy digging my fingers into a language, and finding ways to extend the language in ways that may have not been originally intended. Many of these are preserved as gists on Github, but others end up in posts here, as part of answers.

See my recent escapades on my GitHub Portal. Recently, I've been working on a CRUD Blueprint Generator that produces readable and maintainable code from SQL Databases or database creation scripts. Written in Python and executed for PHP and other languages to come.

I'm really just here for the fake internet points. :P

David Culbreth questions