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Thanks for going through my profile. My name is Debashis Banerjee and people call me Dave. I started my development journey at the age of 13 when I used to create text console based games in c and C++. Later I created a small fps game in C++ with 2 graphics and used to put my friends into the computers and earn treats :)

Graduated with a Computer Science Engineering degree in 2009, I was attracted to Embedded System. I used to work with multiple SME companies and provides services like firmware programing, device driver for ARM 9 and in 2011 I worked with big project related to Vehicle Tracking and Surveillance system using ARM 9, GPS and GPRS. From that day I was very familiar with big data and sensors which eventually helps to learn Data Science.

Currently I am heavily involved with Full stack development and AI/ML based project. I am proficient with Backend business logics, REST APIs and Data science based methodology using Python, Java, Go, Nodejs. I gained significant knowledge on DevOps like Kuberenetes, Docker, CI/CD with popular cloud providers like AWS, GCP and Azure and I am well capable to setup all these on my own independently. Lastly but not least I have gained very good amount knowledge on front end technologies on both web and mobile platforms using vanilla JavaScript, REACT, Swift, Kotlin etc.

Dave answers