I love programming, try to do it as often as possible. I Also very much enjoy learning new things; usually programming related - my reading stack seems to grow faster than I can get through it, but I am slowly getting through it. Very big fan of many titles released by some of the members of the Agile manifesto - Robert C. Martin, Fowler, Cockburn, etc...
I have been learning and programming for about 20 years now, still learning and growing. The past 5-6 years+ I've been on a deep journey to learn more about Object Oriented practices and principles, Test Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design and all the fun stuff that has helped make my life as a coder easier.
It all started a few years into my job as a Software Engineer for the Department of Defense (DoD), after seeing our Enterprise solutions taking longer and longer to maintain and change, I knew there had to be a better way to manage/code this stuff; not to mention our estimation process would have been more accurate if we included a dart board in the mix. I attended my first software developers conference and met several very nice and helpful developers - these guys helped point me towards a world of development I had not known for years. I use to think it was all about syntax; silly me.
Super long story not so long, I am now blogging about my journey in learning, trying to help others learn and creating an account on here to do the same.
Visit ProgrammingWithDarth.com if you're interested in reading about the things I've learned/learning.