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Darren Willows

Darren Willows has asked 0 questions and find answers to 7 problems.


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Hello, My name is Darren Willows.

I am currently working as a Software Engineer for Versko Ltd in the center of Glasgow. I have had the luxury of taking part in all stages of development from Photoshop designs to front-end development and then to back-end implementation.

I have recently just finished performing a full redesign of Citylink Sales pages. This includes making all pages mobile responsive, backend struts 1, wireframes, Photoshop templates, UI/UX design, IE8+ compatibility and a complete redesign of all customer facing pages.

One of my previous tasks was the vTests system that is used by all of our clients for error reporting and project change request. I was given the task of performing a complete redesign of the ten year old system to current standards. This includes Photoshop designs, HTML5 redesign, browser optimisation and converting the back-end to Spring Hibernate model and adding extra functionality. While also converting the main homepage of the site to my new layout but also combining it with Wordpress and bootstrap for mobile compatibility.

I worked to a strict standard to conform to HTML5, W3C and SEO. Independent verification of my work was noted to be exemplary and was highly praised.

Self Project: http://www.HTMLJunkies.com

Skills: OS: Microsoft Windows 7 / XP, Linux Fedora.

Languages: HTML, HTML5, JavaScript inc AJAX, jQuery, JDBC, JQuery, XML, XSLT, JSON, C, SQL, x86 Assembly, Java, JSP, Bash, Shell scripting, Python, JSP, CSS3.

-> Knowledge of: PHP, PHP5.

Version control: WinCVS, Subversion, Git.

-> Tools: Eclipse IDE, Oracle, Putty, Vtest (bug/change request tool), DB Visualizer, WinSCP, VMWare, CMS, Aptana.

Design tools: Photoshop, Exposure to Fireworks, GIMP.

Skills: SEO, HTML Validation, responsive design, Grid, Twitter Bootstrap, page speed optimisation, Cookies, Grid layout design, Wordpress integration, content management, desk.com integration, front end design. front end development, UI/UX Design.

-> Key tasks: Frontend & Backend development, HTML, jQuery, Javascript inc AJAX, JSON, CSS3, HTML Validation/optimisation, Photoshop, Grid, Twitter Bootstrap, JAVA, JSP, JSTL, XML, XSLT, Spring framework, Struts 1, Hibernate, WordPress, SEO, Multi-browser compatibility, front end graphical and structure design.

Projects I have worked on while employed with Versko. Boots Hearingcare eCommerce and Pharmacy



DOHC Sound

Guide Me Tours

iOS/Android Bar App - A Story to Tell

LauraKingston Driving


NHS Sound

Patient Care System

Parks of Hamilton

Versko Website

vTest Support

Simply Cashflow Ltd