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Darren has asked 1 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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self-employed computer technician. programming is a hobby. Recently re-discovered Delphi after recovering from a severe trauma. SO has been a great resource to find my way back.

My current project is an Email Client. The main reason for this is to help a customer who needs to perform regular mail-outs to various large groups. Tedious job so I built an automated program to send a saved email message (*.eml) using a csv file of recipients. In supporting this customer, which is not my normal function, I just clean out viruses, re-install os/apps and replace bad PC parts.. (Monkey work), I realised that certain functions to manage contacts in email-clients were missing, especially when managing large groups and wanting to send large mail-outs.

Anyway, I decided to see if I could make a simple email client that would allow a user more extensive capabilities to manage contact groups and mail-outs on the Keep It Simple Syndrome (KISS) principle. ha, the what now??? - easier said than done; funny enough Lots of problems to work out,i.e learn how-tos, to achieve something we all take for granted. So far, I have a working fully functional HTML editor/viewer thanks to BSALSA - EmbeddedWB; with a slight modification allowing full access to the MSHTML editor. way cool :) Now working on message and contact database management, i.e how-to-use DB controls and a good method to manage contact Groups/folders/tables, allowing full control and easy sorting, searching and batch mail-outs.

Delphi (Pascal) is a programming language that seems to have adhered to that principle very well. Brings back memories as Pascal was the first language I was taught in High School in the '80s.

Happy Delphiing :)