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Daniel Harris

Daniel Harris has asked 14 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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I'm currently a full stack developer with over 7 years of solid experience in full-stack web development. I have a good foundation in front-end and back-end development using the LAMP stack including relational databases, client-side and server-side scripting, and mobile-first development. My specialties consist of system administration to the development, optimization, and deployment of professional websites. I also convert designs into SEO-optimized and mobile-friendly websites.

Since 2009, I've worked on many PHP/MySQL projects which included an event calendar system, custom content management systems, e-commerce shopping carts, customer data systems, order management systems, custom database management systems, and product/service management systems. I've also developed on over 20 websites. I develop websites for businesses, non-profits, and individuals.

I have skills to make websites show on the first page of Google. For example, my website SpaceCoastSites.com has achieved 2,645 relevant long-tail keywords that ranked #1 on Google. I’m also skilled in using social media platforms to advertise and bring interest to businesses.

Additionally, I can convert web designs from Photoshop into perfect fully-coded front-end pages. I'm also experienced in software documentation and can easily adapt to new software development environments and languages when needed.