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Daniel D.

Daniel D. has asked 1 questions and find answers to 0 problems.


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I dream too much and dream too big.

My code name is av0c because it sounds cool and I LOVE avocados. I aspire to be a Software Engineer because I want to build something that can actually work and make an impact on anyone using it.

  • I rarely listen to lyrics in songs, so if I tell you to listen to one, it means a lot to me.
  • In contrast to everyone I've known, I like pineapple on pizza.
  • I get a little excited when I type a long word and spellcheck doesn't give me that squiggly red line (but before that I must intentionally type a wrong word to make sure spellcheck is on)

As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm kind of a procrastinator (okay not kind of). In addition to the fact that I'm also a perfectionist, it once took me a whole week just to design a menu bar for my website.