A generalist, professional problem solver at heart who thrives in environments with no time for big egos and places heavy emphasis on cultivating culture/community first. Throughout my career, I've found a particular love for the start-up world; where challenges are constantly changing, cross-pollination is preferred, no lone-wolf mentality, and asking questions/over-communication is actively encouraged. In my most recent professional endeavors I've enjoyed moving into more leadership/mentorship-driven capacity. Ideally, I'd love to continue growth in these areas in any new role. As an engineer who started in design, my strengths tend to compliment more Front-End driven development. However, I find nowadays that the divide between Front-End and Back-End driven development a thing of the past. With technology evolving at the awesome, rapid pace it is, these lines are ever blurring. I’m constantly learning and feel more comfortable labeling myself a jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
I'm a huge fan of the Open-Source community and enjoy giving back as often as I am able. Projects of note
★ Zeit/Hyper 32.6k stars
★ Zeit/Pkg 15.3k stars
★ Coreyhouse/React-Slingshot 9.6k stars
Languages - JavaScript (ES6/7/8/Next), HTML5, CSS3
Frameworks - React, Next, Redux, Aurelia, Angular
Libraries - Three, D3, A-Frame, GSAP
Design - SASS, Styled-Components, StoryBook, Grommet, Material-UI
Languages - Node, PHP, Python, ReasonML
Frameworks - Express, Fastify, Micro, Adonis, Flask, Django, React-Native, Electron
Persistence - MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
Testing - Jest, QuokkS, Wallaby, Nock, BrowserStack
Tooling - Webpack, Babel, Yarn Workspaces, Zeit(Now), BuckleScript, Docker
Deployment - Github, TravisCI, Jenkins
Services - Zeit Now, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Balena
CMS - Drupal, Wordpress, StrapiJS
My Complete CV