I have been writing code since 1981. I have served in the Submarine force for 12 years and played a part in the Gulf War. All through that time as well I have been coding. Started writing Internet code in 1993 while still in the Navy and I have been doing it professionally since. I have seen languages progress from my Fortran days clear up to now where I am still learning and teaching software development pretty much all my waking hours. My languages of strength nowadays are C, C++, Go, PHP, JS, and Verilog. Dont ask me about frameworks like Laravel or CMS's like Drupal or anything like that. I dont like them, I think they are overkill, and I have and would much rather write my own. I have built full blown client management systems and automation code for ISP's, I have written live video encoders and streamers that are in use today and viewed by millions everyday, I have built hardware appliances that integrate into the net, and all of that has been without any damn frameworks. I consider them like duplo blocks I used to play with as a kid, and they are meant for the same genre to use without having to learn how to code it themselves.