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Damian Dixon

Damian Dixon has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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I've been programming professionally since 1989. I started programming on a mainframe when I was about 8 or 9 (my Uncle owned a Software House) and my first proper computer was a DAI personal computer when all my friends had a ZX81.

The first C++ compiler I used was cfront 2 on a Silicon Graphics workstation.

I build systems and applications on Windows, Linux, Android and occasionally bare metal.

My main experience is realtime GIS having been the team lead and technical architect for years for a commercial GIS system. Though I can turn my hand to almost anything if I need too.

I have an interest in 2D and 3D graphics with an in-depth knowledge of xlib and modern OpenGL.

I have a more than passing interest in Virtual Reality having been involved in the early research in the 90's (see 'The Science of Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments', plate 4 for a picture of me!).

I have two honour degrees, one in Geography Science and the other in Maths and Computing.

Damian Dixon questions