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crjase has asked 0 questions and find answers to 1 problems.


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  • I like to code and make projects that are fun to me and something that I will either enjoy at the end, help a friend with or just have fun experimenting and making it.

physical activity

  • I am someone that enjoys rock climbing. It's so fun. When I was a baby, crawling on the ground, I - found a way to nudge my fingers into the outside of my house walls and climb up them. The funny thing is, they are made of bricks. Imagine putting your fingers inside bricks and trying to climb up a brick wall, with only your bare hands and weight. (I was a baby, very light of course)
  • I like AFL. I never used to like uselessly kicking a ball around and throwing it everywhere, seemed boring. It was boring, especially after trying out soccer. Then I actually tried playing AFL. It was really fun and it's a really good choice for sport. The only thing I didn't really like is every weekend being taken up by AFL tournaments and stuff, I was fine with the after school hours though.

Social Links

  • Itch.io - (mostly finished developments)
  • GitHub - (mostly for unfinished/beta developments)
  • Contact Me: Not Available Yet

crjase questions