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avatar of CloudMagick


CloudMagick has asked 2 questions and find answers to 4 problems.


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I'm a senior front-end developer and designer with deep perspective and leadership skills. I have a very strong capacity for elevating a team's proficiency and competence around front-end issues such as usability, responsiveness, consistency, and UI element architecture.

Co-workers and employers often comment that one of my most valuable assets is my skill in teaching and mentoring. I can work diligently alone, but I love pair programming and working as part of a team with varying skills.

I have significant experience with startups, and most of my development efforts have involved taking projects from the ground level to fully functional and marketable products. I am very comfortable working directly with clients, and I enjoy the process of identifying and translating clients' needs and values into elegant, technical solutions.

I run a high quality tea business and am passionate about sharing tea and building relationships through tea. I also play the harp, do most commuting on my cargo bike, spend recharging time in nature and in meditation, and I love studying whatever I am currently passionate about.

Specialties with expert skill:

Interaction Design Experience Design Ruby on Rails HTML5 HAML CSS3 SASS / LESS Javascript JQuery Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign Sketch

Specialties with a strong supporting skill level:

React Angular