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Clashsoft has asked 26 questions and find answers to 25 problems.


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👨‍💻 About Me

Hi there, I'm Adrian and currently a Master's Student of Computer Science. Feel free to take a look around my profile, during my studies and as a hobby I created many different software projects. I do a lot of open-source software on GitHub, so check out my profile and some of the awesome organizations that I worked in:

  • Clashsoft - My personal profile with some misc. projects.
  • Dyvil - A modern JVM programming language.
  • Fujaba - The Fulib Tool Suite for developer productivity.
  • Clashsoft-Mods - My old Minecraft modding projects.
  • Minestrappolation - Also Minecraft modding, but a larger project and team.

🏠 Websites

Want to see my work without reading a bunch of code? Here are some of my showoff projects, available to all on the web:

  • fulib.org - A web app for a textual example language, with a web IDE and homework grading etc.
  • app.clashsoft.de - A bunch of minor projects that I put together into one web app.

📄 Papers

And for those of you into reading, here are some of my papers and theses (in increasing order of quality and proudness):

  • Groovy Seminar Paper (2018) - A seminar paper about the Groovy programming language.
  • Valhalla Seminar Paper (2020) - A seminar paper about the OpenJDK project Valhalla.
  • Bachelor Thesis (2020) - My bachelor thesis, titled "Natural Language Pattern Matching for Natural Language Object Scenarios".
  • Master Thesis (TBD) - Coming soon.

📊 Stats

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