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Chuck has asked 0 questions and find answers to 8 problems.


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One could say I've been writing code for a little while.

The first code I hunt and pecked into a TRS-80 was a paint program listed in one of my father's computer magazines. I didn't really understand what all the funny characters meant, but I saved it off to a magnetic tape and never had to type it in again.

My first paid coding job turned up when I was thirteen years old. A neighbor down the street was planning on writing a book on various card games. My task was to write interactive card playing routines in BASIC to be included as examples in the book. The book was never published, but I was paid more money in one summer than I probably had rights to.

My first job after college was working on accounting software in Java. It was just a six month gig, but I met some memorable people and learned many lessons that I rely on to this day.

A few years back, I founded my first company with a couple of partners. Milyli is a Microsoft .NET shop where we customize various document management platforms including SharePoint and we encourage folks to make it like you like it. It's also the only company I've founded as I still help run the joint.

Next first, who knows?