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Christopher Bottoms

Christopher Bottoms has asked 84 questions and find answers to 59 problems.


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I use Python, Raku, Perl, R, Java, bash, and anything else that is needed.

Utilizo Python, Raku, Perl, R, Java, bash, o lo que sea necesario.

A good explanation of creating good reproducible R questions

How to get help in R

Python 3 vs Raku

Python 3: Unordered common lines between two files:

#!/bin/env python

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Determine the lines in common between two files')

parser.add_argument('fileA', help='file name')
parser.add_argument('fileB', help='file name')

args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.fileA) as x: linesA = x.readlines()
with open(args.fileB) as x: linesB = x.readlines()

intersection = set(linesA).intersection(set(linesB))


Usage message resulting from python intersection_of_lines.py --help:

usage: intersection_of_lines.py [-h] fileA fileB

Determine the lines in common between two files

positional arguments:
  fileA       file name
  fileB       file name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Raku: Unordered common lines between two files:

#!/bin/env raku

sub MAIN #= Determine the lines in common between two files
(   $fileA, #= file name
    $fileB, #= file name
    my @linesA = $fileA.IO.lines;
    my @linesB = $fileB.IO.lines;

    my $intersection = @linesA ∩ @linesB;

    put $intersection.keys.sort.join("\n");

Yes that is , a real Unicode intersection symbol. The ASCII version (&) also works.

You also get a nice usage message resulting from raku intersection_of_lines.raku --help:

  ./intersection_of_lines.raku <fileA> <fileB> -- Determine the lines in common between two files

    <fileA>    file name
    <fileB>    file name

Raku tidbits

Raku is a very clean, concise, understandable language. Its design pulls from the strengths of other languages.

Raku's rotor (the "king of list manipulation").

Error handling example.


Pass variables to SLURM: Passing SLURM batch command line arguments to R

sbatch --export=GREETING=Hello,PLACE=world --wrap='echo "$GREETING $PLACE" > howdy.txt'

convert Jupyter notebook (https://stackoverflow.com/a/50567584/215487)

jupyter-nbconvert --to python notebook.ipynb --stdout --TemplateExporter.exclude_input_prompt=True

Why adjusted P-values are so important: https://www.xkcd.com/882