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Chris Lemke

Chris Lemke has asked 0 questions and find answers to 2 problems.


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Where do I start?

US Marines 77-89 (Electronics), then Wall Data (3yrs), Glasgal Communications (1), Telebit (1), 3Com (1), Sun Microsystems (2), Riverside County IT Dept (8), IBEW Electrician Tech (4), Network Tech (2). The 90's was a crazy and great time to be in Tech, everybody wanted you!

Burn out happened so I did Electrical construction for 4 years and got my IBEW ticket punched after 3 year apprenticeship. (Top Student every time and twice the age of everyone else!) But construction is Hot work in summer and Freezing in winter (especially in Vegas). Returned to Tech and won't leave again! (PS ~ It's my Midlife and I can Crisis if I want to!)

Though electronics is my formal training, most of my work experience has been Tech Support and as a Systems Engineer. My pursuit of programming (HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, Javascript, jQuery, etc.) is all in the realm of developing my own websites for the fun of it. I love the logic and the challenge.

The one hobby and pursuit that has eluded me for gaining fortune and fame was designing and making funny Tshirts. For nearly 10 years I've written down every possible thought, quote and quip I heard or came to my mind for a funny Tshirt. I probably have about 50,000 ideas written down... Really.

My Tshirt website (PrettySickShirts) uses Zen Cart (open source shopping cart) that had limited and poor support for Attribute Options (but all carts do or did at the time) so I learned how it works (PHP, mySQL, Apache, etc.) and the core functions of Zen Cart and developed a four level deep Attributes mod for Zen Cart. (Tshirt attributes are: Style, Color, and Size. I did a 4th just in case.)

I also wrote about a dozen Photoshop scripts, and now I can put to market a new Tshirt design under 30 minutes, with all images for every style and color auto generated with my mod and Photoshop scripts. But while my funny shirts were funny (adult oriented), the web site rocked, and I could make great shirts, I learned that my Tech Skillz made up for my lack of Marketing, Promoting, and Business Skills. In other words, I sucked at the parts that makes a business A PROFITABLE BUSINESS. lol

And I would be remiss if I didn't mention my Great & Wonderful wife. She's behind me all the way! (And vice versa, lol) Plus all our kids, who are now Adults. (Thank God!)

So there you have it. Now you know more about me than my neighbors do.

Chris Lemke questions