This is my love story. Where my love to reverse-engineer, learn, and create all started.
I've been a "Software Developer" since the age of 12 (1995) writing memory-level code in C for the sake of exploitation, gaining a firm understanding of core computing principles, network protocol, and the entire code delivery and supply chain from intended and unintended perspectives ;-).
Needless to say, the command line is my preferred interface, and VIM my favorite editor until VS Code + Vim Plugin :-).
Web programming in notepad began with Anglefire and Geocities, and advanced CSS with My Space. Avoiding JavaScript entirely until the birth of the jQuery library; focusing primarily on backend development (.NET framework 1.1 - 4).
With the raise of CMS technologies, I was attracted to PHP 4 to spite its lack of Object Oriented support, back in the days of Joomla. But seeing the exponential raise in Freenode IRC chat population, and indexed Github content, I made the decision to start using WordPress when it had but 1% market share as they created a very low entry barrier for developers to customize: hooks, actions and filters they called it. And with a "dumbed down" explanation of event triggers, WP had all it needed to attract a growing impatient menial developer.
Continuing to develop business enterprise software, I adopted experience in Laravel/Lumen, and Symfony/Silex.
When MVC on the frontend standards in design and MVC gained a presence in frontend development, I fell in love like I never have before with JavaScript. The interoperability, deployment, configurability (even in the IDE), made me realize, we will all eventually speak the same language. And our interpreters with Microsoft's Acquisition of Github and LinkedIn, will give their AI the perspective it needs to make a machine-language-compilation framework, where the intent of the developer is understood, and the "machine code" entirely re-written.
Falling in love with Amazon's supply chain strategy applied to every software defined principle of digital representation (ARN / Amazon Resource Network) to the deployment of code, I began a journey down Microservices Architecture (laughing at understanding: The Principles of "Service Oriented Architecture" with a new fancy name recreated by successful influencer marketing tactics to gain vernacular real estate and content authority with search engines [/endrant]). But more specifically: FaaS with Serverless and Terraform, NodeJS and Express. ML and python followed that.
User intent will eventually be the new creator/developer, where we think, and we create ... we are just now bootstrapping the AI models of us to allow the predictive capabilities required for rendering of these standardized components.
Who am I? A futurist. One who can see inevitabilities of change created by systems to serve our intent. Let's pray for humanities' focus and intent as we evolve into a creator's society.