My background as a Full-stack Developer, along with my education in Computer Engineering, has made me attain some excellent technical skills. In addition to my Web Development skills, I also have a great eye for design; I believe that's what makes me different from the rest of the competitors.
I would like you to know that I am highly skilled with Asp.Net, Vb.Net, and C# with the latest framework, MVC, Kendo-UI, Jquery, and JavaScript. I have several years of experience with each of these technologies, at least for 8 years. Still, I am always happy to learn even more technologies to sharpen my skillset whenever I get the chance.
Below are Technical Skills with which I am working:,,, c# ,javascript, signalr,kendo-ui ,SQL-server, postgre,SQL ,MongoDB ,ncache ,ajax, crystal-reports, devexpress ,Telerik ,CSS ,HTML, extjs ,highcharts, rgraph, ,Redis, itextsharp, dtsearch ,signalr ,scrum, rabbitmq,,Paypal Integration